A Little Bit About Me

Hello there! I’m a retired homeschool mom who’s shared over 30 wonderful years with my high school sweetheart. My passions include hiking, running, diving into a good book, experimenting in the kitchen, and savoring every cup of coffee.

I intimately understand the challenges of grappling with weight issues and the sensation of being trapped in a cycle of hopelessness. In 2014, I hit my highest weight after countless attempts with various diets throughout my adult life. While some yielded fleeting results, the pounds always crept back, leaving me disheartened. It felt like reaching a ‘normal’ weight was an impossible dream.

Then, I stumbled upon THM (Trim Healthy Mama), and suddenly, everything clicked. The plan resonated with me, offering a sustainable approach to lifelong wellness. With gradual changes and full dedication by October 2014, I embraced THM wholeheartedly. Within just a few months, I shed thirty-five pounds, followed by another fifteen over the subsequent months. In a year, I celebrated a remarkable fifty-pound loss!

Not only did I achieve a significant weight loss milestone, but I also experienced a profound transformation in my overall well-being—more vitality, improved health, and a newfound zest for life. However, life’s challenges threw me off course in 2018 and 2019, with the devastating news of cancer diagnoses for both my mother-in-law and my own mother. Juggling caregiving responsibilities and home repairs, stress led me to indulge in emotional eating, resulting in a twenty-pound gain.

Determined to reclaim my health, I dedicated 2020 to shedding the excess weight. Yet, navigating weight loss in my early 50s, amidst the throes of pre-menopause, presented its own set of obstacles. Educating myself about hormonal influences on weight gain and fine-tuning my diet, I successfully shed those extra twenty pounds, returning to my initial fifty-pound loss.

In 2020, I became a certified THM coach, eager to share my journey and support others in their pursuit of wellness. Despite encountering further challenges since 2022, causing a gradual weight creep, I remain committed to mindful living and have reignited my dedication to movement. Though the journey is slow, I embrace imperfection and empathize with the struggles of others. Together, let’s navigate this path towards improved health, encouraging and uplifting each other every step of the way.